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INIS Webinar: Potential Russian Ukrainian conflict and possible geopolitical consequences

Prof. Shlomo Shpiro and Dr. Barak Bouks participated in a webinar organized by the INIS to discuss the recent Russian-Ukrainian tensions.

INIS Webinar: Potential Russian Ukrainian conflict and possible geopolitical consequences

In January 26, 2022, the Institute for National and International Security - INIS, organized an online webinar to discuss the possible consequences of a Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
Dr. Shlomo Shapiro, head of Europa Institute, was the Keynote speaker. His presentation discussed three main topics:
1. “Why Ukraine now?” - According to Dr. Shapiro, the hasty American withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 gives Russia an impression of weakness from the West, opening the doors to exploit this as an opportunity to expand its territories.
2. Core issues - Professor Shapiro discussed the main issues of the crisis, namely: the Ukrainian territorial integrity; Russia drawing a line to NATO’s eastern expansion; energy supply from Russia to Europe. Besides, he discussed the possible upsetting of Europe’s balance of power; a possible new Cold War and how it could turn ‘Hot’, and nuclear issues.
3. Russian and European military limitations - According to Dr. Shapiro, Russia’s military is limited by the winter, the geography of Ukraine and the motivation of troops. Parallel to this, Dr. Shapiro notes the military weakness of the EU in front of Russia’s military, the fact that combat units are tied up in less critical conflicts such as in Mali and the possible degradation of its capabilities due to the COVID-19.
Dr. Barak Books participated as a spectator.

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