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The European Roundtable - The Rise of Right-Wing Political Parties in Europe and its Impact on Jewish Communities

Forum held in Far Maccabia with Keynote Speaker: Mr. Ariel Muzicant, Vice President of the European Jewish Congress

The European Roundtable - The Rise of Right-Wing Political Parties in Europe and its Impact on Jewish Communities

The rise of right-wing political parties in many countries in the European Union is a cause of concern and anxiety for many Israelis. While right-wing groups and activities were always present in post-war Europe, they were conducted mostly outside of national parliaments and did not form a significant part of the political process. In recent years, right-wing politics moved into the national parliaments of a number of countries as right-wing political parties grew in popularity and were able to send more representatives as members of parliaments.
This Roundtable meeting focused on the rise of right-wing political parties in Europe and its impact on Jewish communities in the relevant countries and on the relations between Israel and Europe.

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